
Showing posts with the label Lifestyle

Belief System by R. E. Smith

The entire globe is made up of complex belief systems that have developed as a result of human interactions with nature and the need for us to try and understand our existence. The idea of an all-powerful supernatural being or life force that guides us allows us to come to terms with the fact that despite our dark nature we have hope for a better life and a future without pain or trauma. It reassures us that good will ultimately triumph over evil. How is this achieved? Our ultimate reward is dependent on our actions throughout life and how we follow the precepts and principles that guide our being. It is widely accepted that our actions or deeds will ultimately be rewarded, this is referred to as karma or judgment. This means that each of us holds the power to determine how we live, how we influence those around us, and how we will live out immortality when the mortal body perishes. One thing for sure is that whatever we put in will ultimately be our reward. Hence, don't allow the ...

Fear Not by R. E. Smith

Death is constant but I don't fear death. My only fear is not being able to inspire and change the lives of more people. Touching millions is all that matters. R. Smith 2019 Let not your life be crowded by the fear of death. There is always hope for a better life once we leave this mortal world. Therefore live according to the principles and standards that govern your faith. Don't allow your fear of death to cripple your reason for living. Once the breath of life runs through your body you are powerful beyond measures. Rise up all yee people and make your mark today, fulfill your purpose and carve out a piece of legacy as a memorial to future generations. Be brave, be bold, and be confident. It is your mission to touch the lives of millions.  Be Inspired By R. E. Smith

True character by R. E. Smith

The true character of a man is in his ability to recognize his imperfections and work towards strengthening those shortcomings. R. Smith 2018 . We are a work in progress and it is important that we identify the flaws that we have and try to improve them because that is how we will grow and ultimately become one with God by confessing our sins. Remember we are accountable unto him who sets us free and therefore we must ensure that we do the things that are pleasing in his sight by recognizing that by ourselves we are nothing and pray for his strength. The word of the Lord tells us " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9. Let us not forget that our imperfection is as a result of the sins of our foreparents and "we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" Roman 3:23. Therefore, let us develop our strengths and work on our shortcomings. Accept who we are and become overco...

Gift of Charity by R. E. Smith

Blind are those who walk in self-glory, dead are those who bath in vanity but righteous is the man who walks in love and free is the man who exercises empathy. R. Smith 2019 Our society has lost touch with its humanity. We no longer have the ability to empathize with each other. However, all hope is not lost because we have souls who are constantly expressing love to each other and are granting the gift of charity. Let us not believe ourselves to be superior to others but rather let us strive to help others become the best version of themselves. Put yourself in your brother's/sisters' shoes and try to see life from there perspective. Let us not be conceited but try to be hopeful, kind, and righteous by asking for guidance from God. The Prayer Lord, we come to you humbled in thy sight. We are nothing without your wisdom, your grace, and your glory. Lord continue to guide us and lead us on the path of righteousness. Lord we ask of you to purify and sanctify our hearts and mind...

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: Tips for developing good Eating Habits by R. E Smith

Eat right, live right After doing some additional research on lifestyle changes I felt compelled to write a follow-up blog post on the importance of maintaining a Healthy Life. One cannot overemphasize the importance of caring for our physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing. This because good lifestyle practices must become habitual for improving our quality of life and for extending our lifespan. Accordingly, we will examine four benefits of eating healthy and four tips for eating healthy that will undoubtedly expand your life expectancy ratio and prolong life. What is referred to as Lifespan? The term lifespan refers to the average length of time an animal, individual, or thing is expected to live or function. Another term that is also used to explain this phenomenon is life expectancy. The ultimate goal of the human race is to prolong life as long as possible and the ideal way to improve life expectancy is by adjusting our lifestyle practices. This is achievable thro...

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: Tips that will Change your Life by R. E Smith

Make the right choice Recently I had a lengthy conversation with my Doctor about Personal Health. After leaving the office it had me thinking about how we often ignore the signs that indicate our health is deteriorating without even giving it a second thought. It is medically proven that when we are young our organ systems work in tandem to digest, absorb, assimilate, and metabolize just about anything we consume. Also, it recovers and rejuvenates itself at a faster rate. However, as we age it is important that we take good care of ourselves this is partly due to the fact that our body slows down as we grow older and we become more prone to lifestyle illnesses. Therefore to experience a long and successful life we must maintain a healthy lifestyle. What is a Healthy Lifestyle?  The term healthy lifestyle refers to a balance in all areas of our life which includes a complete physical, social, and emotional health. Therefore we must have a balanced meal, exercise regularly, absta...

Wise Tales

Knowledge and wisdom are key ingredients in immortalizing mundanes. R. Smith 2020
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