
Showing posts with the label System

Belief System by R. E. Smith

The entire globe is made up of complex belief systems that have developed as a result of human interactions with nature and the need for us to try and understand our existence. The idea of an all-powerful supernatural being or life force that guides us allows us to come to terms with the fact that despite our dark nature we have hope for a better life and a future without pain or trauma. It reassures us that good will ultimately triumph over evil. How is this achieved? Our ultimate reward is dependent on our actions throughout life and how we follow the precepts and principles that guide our being. It is widely accepted that our actions or deeds will ultimately be rewarded, this is referred to as karma or judgment. This means that each of us holds the power to determine how we live, how we influence those around us, and how we will live out immortality when the mortal body perishes. One thing for sure is that whatever we put in will ultimately be our reward. Hence, don't allow the ...

The Cry of the People by R. E. Smith

It was Marcus Mosiah Garvey that said "There shall be no solution to this race problem until you, yourselves, strike the blow for liberty.” We are living in a society that is riddled with moral and social injustice. Society is going through a process of moral decay and it is moving so rapidly that social scientists have no idea as to how to stem this social pandemic. The state at which the value system is rapidly disappearing is a serious cause for concern. The "Powers" pretend as if they are unaware of this issue that has crippled us as a people. The fact of the matter is that we have allowed the popular culture, prejudice, and racial discrimination to take root in society and everyone has a right to advocacy, equality, and free speech but limited social statues or guidelines are emphasized to hold us accountable for our actions. Systems of Accountability The greatest breakdown begins with the Family, Religion, and the Education System as these social institutions ...

State of Emergency in Schools by R. E. Smith

Schools are safe zones UNESCO's mission "is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development, and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication, and information". The main point here is through Education but might I ask how can learning take place in an environment where educators are muzzled and restricted to the point where they are unable to defend their basic Human Rights? The rights have been taken away from teachers in recent years and now we are tasting the bitter medicine of a society that has little to no regard for educators. Teachers have no right to exercise discipline but yet still they are called to teach. How can a teacher be effective and efficient in this current education climate in which they are being bullied and abused physically and emotionally? The numerous cases of assault on teachers have reached a record high and no policy is yet drafted to protect teachers' interes...

Wise Tales

Knowledge and wisdom are key ingredients in immortalizing mundanes. R. Smith 2020
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