
Showing posts with the label enlightenment

Do Not Trivialize Christianity by R. E. Smith

Don't Trivialize the Christian  Journey . Nothing about being a devoted Christian is easy. It is destined that as Christians we endure longsuffering and as we suffer we grow in faith because our Lord and God will protect us and provide for our needs daily. Galatians 5:22  tells us “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.” So the next time we stop to point finger or judge. Ask yourself, am I the perfect Christian? better yet as yourself, am I a Christian? Do i understand what it means to become a Christian? Let us not cast judgment or pretend as if being a Christian is easy. It is one of the most difficult life discussions to make knowing that you will be tempted & tried daily. However, the rewards of heaven and the fruits of the spirit makes it all worth it. So dedicated yourself have faith and you will grow everyday.  Psalm 119:103 Tells us " How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth". Eve...

Restoration by R. E. Smith

Jeremiah 30:17: For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord. The Lord promises to heal us once we are not well. Simple pray and ask him to restore you to good health have faith and take the time to heal. Whatever issues you have physical, emotional, relationship, sexual, identity crisis, mental issues or spiritual. Take time to heal and restore your good health. God Bless

Gifts of GOD by R. E. Smith

  Achievement is a word we all like to hear in the same sentence with our names. It is a means of describing our hard work and dedication to a specific task or set of tasks over time. Many people spend most of their lives trying to achieve that ultimate goal. Ambition is good but have you ever stopped to think about where that passion comes from? That gift and drive of wanting to become, that intrinsic motivation? No Mountian Too High Philippians 4:13 is not just a catchphrase or something to resight when you are feeling demotivated or want an inner dose of adrenaline. It is the one clear truth that acknowledges that despite our abilities there isn't much we can do without putting GOD first. With him in our lives, we can hike to the top of any mountain and though the route to get to the top is different for each person the result is a lifetime achievement of knowing that with GOD all things are possible. Just Ask Many times we believe that we can do things of our own accord and...

Digital Rebirth: A Glimpse into the Future by R. E. Smith

 The New Dawn Change is the only thing in life that is constant. Our world is going through an unprecedented change and it will never be the same again as we approach the New Age of Reformation and as these changes continue to unfold we will learn to appreciate the "New Normal" and try our best not to be left behind. The age of technology is thrust upon us and we have no alternative but to rise to the occasion and face the issues of this challenging and revolutionary period in human history. The Digital Renaissance is unfolding and the laws of adaptability will once more play a vital role in shaping our existence. The process of natural selection will once more come to the forefront and only those equipped with the knowledge of the changes in technology will be able to cope and emerge triumphantly. What is Natural Selection? Natural selection is an evolutionary theory that is expounded on by Charles Darwin. It focuses on the process by which organisms better adap...

Mind with a Plan: Societies Solution by R. E. Smith

Our minds are filled with untapped possibilities and intelligence that we are sometimes unaware of. Our minds are so unique that it is like a baby that goes through various stages of development and when our mind reaches the birthing stage it becomes the responsibility of each individual to train the mind beyond the scope of normal men. Our first formal education as a species begins from the moment of conception, that cell nucleus will eventually develop into the brains that we use to shape the world around us. It is the responsibility of the parents to shape, mold and nurture that child from within the mother's womb to create an environment of curiosity that stimulates the fetus to become a discovery learner. When we are eventually born it becomes the responsibility of families, friends, community members, and the wider society to create an atmosphere that is fitting for the development of a young child. During those tender years, our brains are actively seeking out adventu...
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