Gifts of GOD by R. E. Smith


Contemporary Philosophies

Achievement is a word we all like to hear in the same sentence with our names. It is a means of describing our hard work and dedication to a specific task or set of tasks over time. Many people spend most of their lives trying to achieve that ultimate goal. Ambition is good but have you ever stopped to think about where that passion comes from? That gift and drive of wanting to become, that intrinsic motivation?

No Mountian Too High
Philippians 4:13 is not just a catchphrase or something to resight when you are feeling demotivated or want an inner dose of adrenaline. It is the one clear truth that acknowledges that despite our abilities there isn't much we can do without putting GOD first. With him in our lives, we can hike to the top of any mountain and though the route to get to the top is different for each person the result is a lifetime achievement of knowing that with GOD all things are possible.

Just Ask
Many times we believe that we can do things of our own accord and when we come up short we give up. Giving up is not an option or a setback because all we need to do is just ask. Ask and it shall be given unto us, gifts according to our abilities. We are unique and created perfectly by GOD despite our imperfections each of us just waiting in our cacoon to metamorph into our true selves. 1st Peter 4:10 tells us " Each one of us has a special gift and we must use it according to our abilities, to help others and to serve God". This is not just a request but it is our stewardly responsibility.

The Gifts
The gifts of God manifest in us through faith, hope, obedience, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, long-suffering, and love. Therefore if pride takes over put it aside and take up the armor of humility, press forward, and remember we must love GOD and serve others because there is no greater gift than the gift of charity. 


Thank you for visiting Contemporary Philosophies. I hope you were educated, motivated and empowered.

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