
Showing posts with the label Emergency

Gifts of GOD by R. E. Smith

  Achievement is a word we all like to hear in the same sentence with our names. It is a means of describing our hard work and dedication to a specific task or set of tasks over time. Many people spend most of their lives trying to achieve that ultimate goal. Ambition is good but have you ever stopped to think about where that passion comes from? That gift and drive of wanting to become, that intrinsic motivation? No Mountian Too High Philippians 4:13 is not just a catchphrase or something to resight when you are feeling demotivated or want an inner dose of adrenaline. It is the one clear truth that acknowledges that despite our abilities there isn't much we can do without putting GOD first. With him in our lives, we can hike to the top of any mountain and though the route to get to the top is different for each person the result is a lifetime achievement of knowing that with GOD all things are possible. Just Ask Many times we believe that we can do things of our own accord and...

State of Emergency in Schools by R. E. Smith

Schools are safe zones UNESCO's mission "is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development, and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication, and information". The main point here is through Education but might I ask how can learning take place in an environment where educators are muzzled and restricted to the point where they are unable to defend their basic Human Rights? The rights have been taken away from teachers in recent years and now we are tasting the bitter medicine of a society that has little to no regard for educators. Teachers have no right to exercise discipline but yet still they are called to teach. How can a teacher be effective and efficient in this current education climate in which they are being bullied and abused physically and emotionally? The numerous cases of assault on teachers have reached a record high and no policy is yet drafted to protect teachers' interes...
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