Dream Chaser: Six Steps to Accomplish Your Goals

Six steps to achieve your goals
Be Persistent 
"The greatest challenge in life is sometimes learning to believe in yourself".  R. E. Smith. Don't waste your time trying to accomplish someone's idea. Instead use your time to chase after your dreams and become a Dream Chaser. Oftentimes individuals put aside their dreams and goals because they were introduced to an idea by a friend or colleague. Putting your time and effort into accomplishing another person's idea will result in you "killing your dreams". Let me make this perfectly clear, there is nothing wrong with helping others to accomplish their goals and aspiration because our aim should always be to assist others to grow and develop but try not to sacrifice your dreams chasing a vision that does not align with your plans. For the purpose of this lesson we will examine who is a Dream Chaser and six ways to accomplish our dreams.

What is a Dream? 

A dream is a feeling or sensation that usually occur at nights or during the day. Scholars agree that it is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and images that people experience from time to time. It is often compared to fantasies but the main difference is that it is not impractical or improbably as these dreams can be carefully crafted and accomplished in a timely manner. Hence dreams can be compared to aspirations or revelations.

What is Aspiration?

The term aspiration refers to a desire or ambition to which a person dedicated his/her time and effort to achieve. This attribute will undoubtedly make you a Dream Chaser. Aspiration also refers to a person with strong motivation, hope, and faith knowing that you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to. This means that you can evaluate your dreams as you progress from one stage of life to the next. Our aspirations in life vary from person to person some aspire to become an Educator, Lawyer, Law Enforcement Officer, or Political Analyst, Medical Doctor, entertainment coordinator, marketing manager, and the list goes on.

What is Revelation?

A revelation is a religious terminology that highlights the disclosure of facts or prophesies through a spiritual or supernatural phenomenon. This is two-fold as revelation can occur outside of the supernatural because if you dedicate your time and effort to accomplish a task more than likely you will have a revelation or solution to the task at hand. Revelations tend to offer solutions to the life issues that we face and for this we must always strive to become an overcomer.

The Dream Chaser

The most successful people in the world are in the business of helping people by dedicating their time in assisting others to grow and flourish through education and training thus expanding their influence. They do this because they realize that the skills of a Dream chaser can be taught to individuals who are in the process of chasing after their own dreams. A Dream Chaser is an individual who is determined, motivated, discipline, and willing to sacrifice time and effort to accomplish his/her goals. Do not be distracted by persons who want to utilize your talents and gifts for their own benefits but rather align yourself with those who will allow you to grow and master your craft. A good friend of mine and author wrote that " many persons become dream murders and killers out of jealousy and envy" (The Truth about Jealousy) by L. Fearon Jr. Let us not lend ourselves to be used by others to build their empire but rather work tirelessly to build your own empire from the ground up.

Questions of a Dream Chaser
• Who am I?
• What do I want to accomplish in life?
• How will I accomplish my ambitions?
• What am I willing to sacrifice?
• What do I want to be remembered for?

To seek after and accomplish your desires as a dream chaser the questions above must be asked and they must be anchored in your mind until you achieve your desires because a Mind with a plan is Society's Solution. Let us not forget that "what man has done man can do" and even greater things can be accomplished.

History of Dream Chaser

The world today still marvels over how the ancient Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and Native Americans were able to craft and build beautiful stone pyramids and artifacts with only the use of primitive tools. The fact is that they were dream chasers they had the ambition to advance their civilization and to leave their footprints forever in human history. They didn't worry about distractions, they did not think thoughts of failure but rather they work tirelessly to accomplish the task at hand. Many may argue over the methods used by these ancient civilizations but that is a story for another discussion. The fact is they were able to accomplish what seemed impossible in the sight of modern men.

Six Steps to accomplish your Dreams

As a Dream Chaser you most be endowed with invincible determination and when the going gets tough you dig deep and find the desire, the will to move forward. Dream chasers are individuals with a purpose, hope, and desires. Dream chasers are gifted with the ability to think and solve complex problems. Let me outline the most common steps that a Dream Chaser must take to attain success.

1. Identify your Dreams or Aspirations

You must have a clear idea as to what you want to accomplish by finding your niche. Know what you want and go after it. This is because without a clear vision of what your dream is and what you want it to become you are doomed to failure. That is why careful planning must take place to in order become a Dream Chaser. Never take it for granted that your dreams will remain constant as they will evolve as you change and transform. This is called the Metamorphosis of Life (The Great Transformation).

2. Collect all the information about your dreams.

The next step is to research and gather all the relevant information about your dreams. Collecting information is never too much, be like an investigative journalist seek out and collect relevant information that will advance your understanding of the dream or path you are chasing. Never believe that the information you have is sufficient therefore you must always be seeking to identify new changes and trends relating to your dreams.

3. Assess the Information

After gathering the facts surrounding your dreams it is time to assess the information and make it work so that it can be put to action. All the information is great to have but not all will be utilized immediately, therefore, assessing the information and writing down your plan of action is important because you will discover the steps you need to take for your plans manifest into reality.

4. Take Action

After assessing the information you must now be prepared to take action. You cannot accomplish your goals by sitting at home and doing nothing, you must be Proactive and not Reactive get up and do the work. Taking action is the engine that will fuel your dreams. You must become a dreamer of action hence the term Dream Chaser. Without action, you are merely a person with dreams and aspiration and that is why you must remember the final question. What do I want to be remembered for?

5. Evaluate the Actions taken

You must evaluate each action you take and highlight the important lessons learned. By setting down what works and what doesn't because that will play a significant role in whether or not you are successful in accomplishing your dreams. Also it is important to remember that seeking assistance from others is always an option. Never believe that you have all the answers or have exploited all the information. The best way to evaluate your work is to ask for a second pair of eyes to evaluate the work that you have done.

6. Create alternatives and repeat the process.

After you have evaluated your action you must create alternative solutions to the difficulties that you face. These alternatives will be used to overcome the obstacles that you face on a daily basis but remember just creating the alternatives alone will not work. The alternatives must be put to the test and the step must be repeated to overcome any discrepancy. The key is to carefully outline The Steps to Achieve your goals by following the rules of goal setting.

The Outcome

As a Dream Chaser your desire is to fulfill your dreams and aspirations. These dreams and aspirations can only be accomplished if you rise above the norm and work tirelessly to finish each task. Try not to be caught up in the dreams of others, try not to be distracted from your goals but remain focus. As a Dream Chaser you need to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will help you realize your dreams and not force you to accept their dreams. Develop the attitude of never giving up, there are no limits to what you can accomplish and remember once your dreams are accomplished assist another to rise and accomplish their dreams as well. Be bold, be confident, be determined, be a Dream Chaser. 

By: R. E. Smith

Be a Dream Catcher and a Dream Chaser no longer.

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  1. This is so encouraging. While reading this article it has giving me the knowledge an the courage to reach for my goals. It also teaches me that if I want to accomplish my dreams I have to work for it an make it possible not by dreaming about it but by bringing it to reality.

    1. Thank you for liking and commenting. I am grateful that the information was able to motivate and inspire you.

  2. Well laid out post. It was easy to understand. It is sure that I will put these points into practice as I have some dreams that I want to make a reality. Powerful post!

    1. Thank you Sir Fearon I am grateful for your comment and feedback always looking forward to it.

  3. Covid finally make you start publish and stop store up the wealth a wisdom in the brain stem. Excellent read very practical and down to earth. I'd buy the rights to own this knowledge and publish a book.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Sir Thompson, you will have all rights to purchase my anthology of philosophies and ideas when the ebook becomes available.

  4. This is so pragmatic and easy to read. Great going Sir Smith!!
    The reference to the pyramids built by the Egyptians is a powerful example of what can happen when we chase our dreams. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks, Sir. Banton I always look forward to your feedback. I am happy that you like the example of the ancient civilization it was very fitting for this scenario.

  5. Very inspiring and helpful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. I really appreciate the feedback continues to read and be inspired. Thank you.

  6. These are some sound words of advice.
    Much appreciated. Keep sharing. Blessings going forward

    1. Thank you, Mrs. Moore, I am grateful for your comment and feedback to thank you for reading and I will definitely continue to share my inspiration.

  7. This was very inspirational. Continue to encourage others to reach their goals in life.

    1. Thank you, Chrisantae, I always look forward to your comments. As a young Scholar your interest in reading and seeking knowledge is a source of inspiration for me.

  8. good stuff! keep em coming!

  9. Very inspiring Mr. Smith! Word to the wise is sufficient!

    1. Definitely we need to teach lessons that are practical. Thank you for commenting.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting it's greatly appreciated.

  11. Very inspirational!

  12. A truly realistic and positive guide. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Haha finding your dream steps is almost like marketing strategies. Love it. Keep up the good work


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