Mind with a Plan: Societies Solution by R. E. Smith

Our minds are filled with untapped possibilities and intelligence that we are sometimes unaware of. Our minds are so unique that it is like a baby that goes through various stages of development and when our mind reaches the birthing stage it becomes the responsibility of each individual to train the mind beyond the scope of normal men.

Our first formal education as a species begins from the moment of conception, that cell nucleus will eventually develop into the brains that we use to shape the world around us. It is the responsibility of the parents to shape, mold and nurture that child from within the mother's womb to create an environment of curiosity that stimulates the fetus to become a discovery learner.
When we are eventually born it becomes the responsibility of families, friends, community members, and the wider society to create an atmosphere that is fitting for the development of a young child. During those tender years, our brains are actively seeking out adventures trying to decide where we fit in this world of possibilities.

If we should look out into the cosmos we will see an endless collection of stars and galaxies but only one is so suitable for life to flourish so abundantly. Therefore when the mind reaches the teenage stage it is absolutely necessary for the correct guidance, mentorship and training to take place because if this stage is omitted or becomes deformed by the time they transform into young adults they will be like galaxies without purpose, empty voids which will lead to chaos and violence within society.
Our minds are a complex tool and its only through education that we can train our minds to use this tool effectively. Because if not trained then we will find ourselves using this tool for inhumane and undesirable activities. The functionalist views Education as the driving force behind training people to understand their roles and functions in society as an organized unit. It is here that we learn where we fit and find our Niche.

The functionalist also states that it is within this role that labels and barriers are placed on individuals from within the school limiting their untapped potential for the sole purpose of becoming active in a capitalist society. Carl Marx got it right from the beginning, our society is predominantly base on classism. In which we are fed from within schools the various social strata, it is this same class system that puts us in streams and competitions against each other with the hope that we will know our place in society and find our fitting.

The limitations are so vast that they have massacred The New Age of Enlightenment within society. Our brightest and most intelligent are muffled and labeled as radicals, enemies of the state and terrorists for the purpose of controlling humanity. The media that is such an influential tool is being used to hypnotize our youths into believing that only a small minority can achieve what the greater majority is scratching and clawing for.

Let us forget about the systems that be and the barriers it places before us. Let us push back and create a world that we want to see for future generations to inherit. Let us take the telescope of life and lookout, far beyond the cosmos of this society and find our potential, our purpose and let us work tirelessly to fulfill them. Let us be deliberate about achieving our success. Let us be deliberate about changing our world. Let us be deliberate about changing ourselves. Let us be deliberate about changing our mindset. The change begins with us and it begins within our minds. As a nation we must look beyond the norm; reach out and grab your potential. Our mind is the tool we need to shape the world for future generations. 

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  1. A wonderful and thought provoking read. Would love to see this published in other places to raise this interesting awareness.

    1. Thank you very much, feel free to share and enourage others to take a read.

    2. insightful; good job Sir Smith!

  2. Wonderful words of wisdom. Should be read by all👍

  3. Thanks to all for the comments. Feel free to share like and subscribe for more publication .

  4. Thank you for sharing! A thought provoking piece which influences the way we think and our actions at home.. on the job etc. Encourages personal and professional growth..

  5. Excellent words and indeed our minds do depend on our society to help with our full birth or true purpose and potential. Continue doing your good work and I do hope that your wise words will be spread across nations.

  6. Quite an interesting read.All generations are truly impacted by those who parent and nurture as they will set the launching pad for negative or positive future interactions.The mind is truly the seat of power and should not be managed by the careless or evil.

  7. Class engagement continue to impact on these Elements so persons can be aware of the necessary inputs👍 God bless

  8. The change we need begins with the renewing of our minds. Thanks for the feedback, blessing.

  9. Yep. Untapped, fertile and yearning.

  10. Wow what an insight, detailed and analytical perspective of life. Words of wisdom and inspiration for all to follow.

  11. Thank you all for your comments and feedback continue to read and be inspired.

  12. Failure to plan equal a true failure in live.


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