Belief System by R. E. Smith


The entire globe is made up of complex belief systems that have developed as a result of human interactions with nature and the need for us to try and understand our existence. The idea of an all-powerful supernatural being or life force that guides us allows us to come to terms with the fact that despite our dark nature we have hope for a better life and a future without pain or trauma. It reassures us that good will ultimately triumph over evil.

How is this achieved?

Our ultimate reward is dependent on our actions throughout life and how we follow the precepts and principles that guide our being. It is widely accepted that our actions or deeds will ultimately be rewarded, this is referred to as karma or judgment. This means that each of us holds the power to determine how we live, how we influence those around us, and how we will live out immortality when the mortal body perishes. One thing for sure is that whatever we put in will ultimately be our reward. Hence, don't allow the pressures of society to deter you from doing a little good, having faith and belief that there is a GOD that gives us a choice.

I leave you to ponder these questions:
1. What is your choice?
2. Are you firm in your belief?
3. Will your actions and deed be rewarded in good karma?

The choice is yours today make the right step and give your life to GOD and he will direct your path. 


Thank you for visiting Contemporary Philosophies. I hope you were educated, motivated and empowered.

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