Fear Not by R. E. Smith

Death is constant but I don't fear death. My only fear is not being able to inspire and change the lives of more people. Touching millions is all that matters. R. Smith 2019

Let not your life be crowded by the fear of death. There is always hope for a better life once we leave this mortal world. Therefore live according to the principles and standards that govern your faith. Don't allow your fear of death to cripple your reason for living. Once the breath of life runs through your body you are powerful beyond measures. Rise up all yee people and make your mark today, fulfill your purpose and carve out a piece of legacy as a memorial to future generations. Be brave, be bold, and be confident. It is your mission to touch the lives of millions. 

Be Inspired
By R. E. Smith


  1. Thanks much Mr. Smith really inspiring.

  2. True we live our life for everyone. We must left a good mark upon our death. This is added blessings for oyr kids we left behind.

  3. We are here to serve as children of God, thus we must never forget to follow the path of Christ, having compassion and empathy is the key to leave our legacy wherever you go.

  4. This was very inspirational. Continue to change the lives of others.


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