Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle: Tips for developing good Eating Habits by R. E Smith

Tips for eating healthy
Eat right, live right

After doing some additional research on lifestyle changes I felt compelled to write a follow-up blog post on the importance of maintaining a Healthy Life. One cannot overemphasize the importance of caring for our physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing. This because good lifestyle practices must become habitual for improving our quality of life and for extending our lifespan. Accordingly, we will examine four benefits of eating healthy and four tips for eating healthy that will undoubtedly expand your life expectancy ratio and prolong life.

What is referred to as Lifespan?

The term lifespan refers to the average length of time an animal, individual, or thing is expected to live or function. Another term that is also used to explain this phenomenon is life expectancy. The ultimate goal of the human race is to prolong life as long as possible and the ideal way to improve life expectancy is by adjusting our lifestyle practices. This is achievable through dieting and exercise which was covered in the previous blog Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle.


Dieting is a great way to improve our life span however we often confuse dieting with starvation which is not good for your health. It makes no sense to not eat for a day and eat absolutely everything in sight the following day. Therefore having a balanced diet is essential. A balanced diet implies consuming food in the correct proportion and in the acceptable quantity. To achieve this objective we must consume food from all the major food groups which include:
• Protein
• Carbohydrates
• Fats
• Fibre
• Minerals
• Vitamins
• Water
Never forget that consuming too much of anything can become detrimental to our health. Therefore if you are uncertain of how to prepare a balanced diet then seek the aid of a professional.

How to Increase Your Lifespan

We cannot negate the fact that to improve our lifespan we must eat healthily but eating healthy foods alone will not help us. We must be aware of the benefits of eating right and also some tips that will guide us in supplementing our diet where necessary. It is common knowledge that many supplements, vitamins, and minerals oils are on the market but nothing works better than consuming naturally grown produce that is fresh from the farm, free from preservatives and chemical fertilizers.

Four core benefits of Eating Healthy

1. Prevention of Disease- It is a known fact that eating healthy is vital in preventing lifestyle illness and improving bodily functions. It is also essential to note that eating healthy will help to reduce the risk of Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Cancer. 

2. Increase Energy Levels- When we maintain a healthy diet our energy levels are at its peak and our immune system is strengthened which aids in fighting certain diseases. This will result in us being more productive and is able to complete work in a more efficient and effective manner. Additionally, we must remember that our health includes both Physical and Mental capabilities which means all aspect of our life is dependent on each other to function. 
3. Increase Memory - Speaking of mental abilities we must never neglect to emphasize the importance of consuming brain-building foods and nutrients because jobs such as finance, education, auditing, and programming are just a few jobs that can become increasingly taxing on our brains so we must ensure that we give ourselves that extra boost. Optimum memory function is also needed for technical and skilled areas as workers must be highly focused and competent to carry out tasks. This is why adjusting the diet of children and those who are studying is encouraged so that the brain remains functional for longer periods which prevents burn out. 

4. Reduce Tension and Stress- Stress and Tension are a natural part of our lives but there is much we can do to lower stress levels eating such as fruits, vegetables and increase consumption of water which helps to release tension and stress. It also naturally detox the body which will reduce the risk of strokes and stress-related headaches. There are various methods that we can use which will ultimately yield the same results such as stem vegs, raw vegs, fruits salads, nuts, and grains which emits natural oils that our body desperately needs or we can use green juice and shakes keeping in mind that some shakes can be high in sugar and fats. Just remember a steady and adequate intake of these natural remedies will reset your body and jump-start your system. 

Start your day right
Healthy Living

Four tips for Eating Healthy 

Now that we have outlined the core benefits of eating healthy let us examine the tips for eating healthy. Spoiler alters, these are life hacks and can be used throughout life.

1. Never skip Breakfast - We all have a tendency to skip over breakfast and have a huge lunch. This is not a very good practice because it is detrimental to our health. After a night's rest, it is important that we reengage our system each day by starting the right with breakfast. Make no mistake breakfast is the most important meal of the day and this is scientifically proven hence you must have a warm beverage, some fruit juice or a bit of fruit, cereal, a glass of milk, and a sandwich. Whichever breakfast food you enjoy that is healthy but never forget to start your day with a glass of room temperature water. This will get your body working in no time.

2. Avoid Dehydration- As previously stated start your day with a glass of room temperature water but it doesn't stop their nutritionist and other medical practitioners dictate that we must drink at least eight glasses daily. It may sound like a lot but it is essential that your system is adequately flushed and drinking plenty of water will detox our body. Additionally, other forms of liquid that are low in sugar and fats can also prove to be highly effective. However, some of the drinks/smoothies we consume can be high in calories and fats. When the temperature is very high it is important to remain hydrated especially for those persons who are active when the sun is at its peak. Remember water is life and the more we consume as recommended the healthier we become.

3. Increase Fiber and Carbohydrates - It is crucial that our diet contains food rich in fiber and carbohydrates. One of the main reasons for this is because fiber is the fuel for the colon and it keeps your digestive system moving. while carbs allow you to feel fuller for longer periods thus limiting the need to be constantly snacking throughout the day. Many others these snacks are very high in salt constant and fats, therefore, consuming fiber and carbs is important. Carbs are also converted to glucose which is the fuel the body and the brain needs. We must also pay keen attention to our additives with each meal such as oils, butter, creamy sauce, and meats high its fats. Don't get me wrong all these are essential for healthy living but in this case, less is more. 

4. Regulate your Protein intake- Who doesn't love a nice steak, smoked ham, or nicely grilled pork? We are all tempted to just go right in and eat until we pop. Though protein is good for us and some amount of fat is necessary for our body almost all the foods we consume contains fat, therefore, we must pay attention to our protein intake. Nonetheless, one of the best sources of protein that is often overlooked is Fish. It is recommended that we have at least two servings of fish per week this is because fish tends to be high in minerals, certain vitamins, and omega 3 fats that can help to prevent certain lifestyle diseases. If you cannot get them fresh you can visit your local store or supermarket. Some canned or smoked fish can be high in salt content. Which means it is important to do some research on the type of fish we consume.

The choice

How we chose to improve our diet is up to us. Therefore to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to improve our diet and by large our health is predominantly an individual choice. Once you are at an impasse it will become necessary to seek the help of a professional therefore consulting your doctor or nutritionist is highly recommended. The journey to a healthy lifestyle is long and lonely but you do not need to journey alone so ask for assistance.

Let us not forget that our spiritual connection and understanding of life assist in all areas of life. Therefore your diet and lifestyle must be guided by the standards and teachings of your religion and denomination. Remember we all search to find The Wisdom of Life. Therefore once we are grounded spiritually and live by the correct precepts our days will be long upon the earth because we are the meek and it is for us to inherit. 


  1. Food is indeed the staff of life. No one can survive without food.

  2. My aunt always tells to drink water when I wake up in the morning, she says its a natural energy booster, now i see its true.

    1. A glass of water will get your body moving every time.

  3. I love it, it's very straight to the point than some article that i have read and its very motivational and it makes me want to eat more healthier.

    1. Thank you I am very grateful it was able to assist you.

  4. Excellent work sir. This has thought me so much about the benefits of taking care of one's wellbeing and the benefits of doing so.

  5. Taking care ourselves plus a balanced diet is vital. Thanks for the reinforcement on how we should value ourselves to increase our lifespan.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I am happy it was able to help.

  6. This is a very comprehensive post! every person should read this. The CHOICE IS OURS! This resonated so much and I am challenged. Great post!

    1. The choice is always ours so let us chose to do the right thing.

  7. Excellent job!!! its good when we can eat healthy
    The best choice👍

    1. Thank you very much for commenting. I really appreciate it.

  8. I enjoyed this read. It emphasizes the importance of a good well being. Thanks for reminding us how to continue to achieve optimum health


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