True character by R. E. Smith

The true character of a man is in his ability to recognize his imperfections and work towards strengthening those shortcomings. R. Smith 2018.

We are a work in progress and it is important that we identify the flaws that we have and try to improve them because that is how we will grow and ultimately become one with God by confessing our sins. Remember we are accountable unto him who sets us free and therefore we must ensure that we do the things that are pleasing in his sight by recognizing that by ourselves we are nothing and pray for his strength. The word of the Lord tells us "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9. Let us not forget that our imperfection is as a result of the sins of our foreparents and "we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" Roman 3:23. Therefore, let us develop our strengths and work on our shortcomings. Accept who we are and become overcomers of sin.


Great and mighty father, we honor and adore you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for opening our eyes Lord to see our imperfections. Thank you for your gift of wisdom and courage to overcome our flaws. Help us not to be self-centered but to be a tower of strength to tackle the plans of the adversary and to have true faith in your awesome power. Amen.

Be Inspired
By R. E. Smith


  1. Excellent article thanks for the reminder.

  2. Thanks ...I will go to Him...regularly.

  3. Thank you for the prayer at the end! Will try to apply this to my everyday thought


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