
Do Not Trivialize Christianity by R. E. Smith

Don't Trivialize the Christian  Journey . Nothing about being a devoted Christian is easy. It is destined that as Christians we endure longsuffering and as we suffer we grow in faith because our Lord and God will protect us and provide for our needs daily. Galatians 5:22  tells us “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.” So the next time we stop to point finger or judge. Ask yourself, am I the perfect Christian? better yet as yourself, am I a Christian? Do i understand what it means to become a Christian? Let us not cast judgment or pretend as if being a Christian is easy. It is one of the most difficult life discussions to make knowing that you will be tempted & tried daily. However, the rewards of heaven and the fruits of the spirit makes it all worth it. So dedicated yourself have faith and you will grow everyday.  Psalm 119:103 Tells us " How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth". Eve

Restoration by R. E. Smith

Jeremiah 30:17: For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord. The Lord promises to heal us once we are not well. Simple pray and ask him to restore you to good health have faith and take the time to heal. Whatever issues you have physical, emotional, relationship, sexual, identity crisis, mental issues or spiritual. Take time to heal and restore your good health. God Bless

Gifts of GOD by R. E. Smith

  Achievement is a word we all like to hear in the same sentence with our names. It is a means of describing our hard work and dedication to a specific task or set of tasks over time. Many people spend most of their lives trying to achieve that ultimate goal. Ambition is good but have you ever stopped to think about where that passion comes from? That gift and drive of wanting to become, that intrinsic motivation? No Mountian Too High Philippians 4:13 is not just a catchphrase or something to resight when you are feeling demotivated or want an inner dose of adrenaline. It is the one clear truth that acknowledges that despite our abilities there isn't much we can do without putting GOD first. With him in our lives, we can hike to the top of any mountain and though the route to get to the top is different for each person the result is a lifetime achievement of knowing that with GOD all things are possible. Just Ask Many times we believe that we can do things of our own accord and

Store Treasures of Heaven by R. E. Smith

  Heavenly Supplements I s your storeroom full?  Think about the question for a moment then answer it. From the moment we were born, we began to walk a path of trust and commitment we relied on our parents specifically our mothers to look after our needs. She was entrusted to us, committed to her task to raise us the best way she possibly can. Helpless, innocent, and hopeless we were without knowledge of this world and what exists. Hence we wait patiently for milk, nutrient, and formula. As we are now told we should desire the sincere milk of GOD 1st Peter 2:2 states" We must crave spiritual milk so that by it we will grow in his salvation" . As we grew older our dreams became a part of our daily routine as we studied and work tirelessly to achieve the objective of wanting to becoming successful and living a comfortable life by generating wealth that can be used to satisfy our needs and wants.  This will allow us to become independent of our parents and others. The goal then

Belief System by R. E. Smith

The entire globe is made up of complex belief systems that have developed as a result of human interactions with nature and the need for us to try and understand our existence. The idea of an all-powerful supernatural being or life force that guides us allows us to come to terms with the fact that despite our dark nature we have hope for a better life and a future without pain or trauma. It reassures us that good will ultimately triumph over evil. How is this achieved? Our ultimate reward is dependent on our actions throughout life and how we follow the precepts and principles that guide our being. It is widely accepted that our actions or deeds will ultimately be rewarded, this is referred to as karma or judgment. This means that each of us holds the power to determine how we live, how we influence those around us, and how we will live out immortality when the mortal body perishes. One thing for sure is that whatever we put in will ultimately be our reward. Hence, don't allow the

COURAGE by R. E. Smith

Strength  The ability to face our fear despite being terrified of the outcome. Life has its fair share of challenges no matter what you do or how well you believe you are doing it you must rise above to overcome the obstacles. One of the most difficult things in life is the fear of the unknown which can often prevent us from moving forward towards achieving our breakthrough moment. It is during this time that we must call upon our inner strength and have the courage to press forward. It is never enough to just give up, it is never right to just accept defeat but it is always satisfying to overcome the challenges in life. Courage is our superpower therefore let us not fear the unknown but have the courage to rise above and overcome the challenges that we face daily.  As the good book states " Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong" 1st Corinthians 16:13.

The essence of good Governance by R. E. Smith

  Leaders must lead The issue of political instability and lack of good governance is a long-standing social challenge that humanity has been trying to solve for generations. The need for a ruling group of people to ensure that the masses are taken care of is evident in all societies. If we should go back to the days of knights and nobles, kings and queens, or even native inhabitants we will undoubtedly see various systems of rules. The Scope Society, as we know it today, has not evolved much over the last couple of decades. We are still struggling to force a rudimentary system of rule on a modern group of people who are always evolving and changing. Yet the approach to governance remains the same. When will the voice of the people be heard? When will the needs of society be addressed? It can be argued that our political systems are becoming more world-class with the use of various technological mediums to spread messages and reaching more people. This is a very effective means of c
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