The essence of good Governance by R. E. Smith


Good Governance
Leaders must lead

The issue of political instability and lack of good governance is a long-standing social challenge that humanity has been trying to solve for generations. The need for a ruling group of people to ensure that the masses are taken care of is evident in all societies. If we should go back to the days of knights and nobles, kings and queens, or even native inhabitants we will undoubtedly see various systems of rules.

The Scope

Society, as we know it today, has not evolved much over the last couple of decades. We are still struggling to force a rudimentary system of rule on a modern group of people who are always evolving and changing. Yet the approach to governance remains the same. When will the voice of the people be heard? When will the needs of society be addressed?
It can be argued that our political systems are becoming more world-class with the use of various technological mediums to spread messages and reaching more people. This is a very effective means of canvassing and that is commendable. However, after the dust has settled the needs of the people and the promises that were made are still left unresolved. Therefore we must take a more practical and realistic approach to governance instead of spreading fails hope of wealth and prosperity to all. The world is currently struggling and without a radical change that will revolutionize the way we rule this will remain more or less the same and lead us to the brick of another Dark Ages.

Society as we know it

If there is ever a time that we need good governance it is now. We are living in a world that has become alien to most and even though we are trying our best to adapt to these changes the lack of consistent leadership constantly prevents us from maneuvering these difficult times. It is not only important to have good leaders but our leaders must be effective in carrying out their duties. The constant lack of representation is allowing society to view our current system of rules as either flawed or a modern version of oppression.  The pandemic has open Pandora's box and we are now seeing the shortfalls of inconsistent, ineffective, and inconsiderable leadership.

The solution
Our officials need to go back to basics and employ the ethical principles of good and effective governance that seek to address the challenges that we face as a people and not isolate our decisions and policymaking to a specific group or class of people. Therefore we must assess the systems that are used to nominate and elect our leaders. Therefore the selection and election process must be for the people and by the people. This means it must be void of political interference and indoctrination to all for a fair system of rule. This is because good governance stems from listening to the needs of the people and working assiduously to address the real issues that we face. It is time for us to move away from partisan politics and evolve so that the essence of good governance prevails and becomes the backbone on which we rule. These include:
[  ] Respect
[  ] Accountability
[  ] Transparency
[  ] Good Policymaking
[  ] Maintain law and order
[  ] Listening to the needs of the people

Good governance is equal to effective leadership and ineffective leadership will lead to failure. R. Smith 2021


  1. Truer words have never been spoken!

    1. Thank you very much for reading and commenting. Our society definitely need a better approach to effective and efficient leadership.


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