
Life untapped a mirror to Success by R. E. Smith

Humans are like computer-based applications programmed for a specific reason or purpose and like these applications, humans are programmed with the innate drive to seek out and find the meaning of life. We often engage in conversation about life and what it really is and it comes to this single fact that life is a gift. Humans beings are granted this special gift, the gift of life and many do not appreciate it, life should be cherished and preserved. Ever so often we read and hear biologists and medical practitioners describe life as the characteristics that set us apart from inanimate objectives. These attributes include the ability to grow, think, reproduce, and ultimately die; the Circle of Life. The biological composition of plants and animals are unique though they are separate state of beings. One has the ability to think while the other relies on external stimuli. Humans have long been considered to be the most advanced organism on the planet due to our varying cognitive ab...

Sacrifice for Success by R.E. Smith

Recently I was asked, "Can a man be successful without making sacrifices?" and my immediate reply was, Can a man know true love without heartbreak? The answer to both questions can only truly be answered by each individual striving to attain success or love. We are cultured from an early age to identify a career path and work towards it. This advice is a very good one but not the perfect advice to give. In identifying the career path we want to pursue and setting our minds to accomplish the task will result in us becoming productive members of society. The reality is everyone can succeed in whatever career path they chose whether it be medicine, law, education, politics, logistics, engineering or aviation. The question then stands are they truly successful or are they just being productive citizens? This question pushes us to think about what true success is because accomplishing a task or goal is not true success. It is merely completing a task while on the road to suc...

State of Emergency in Schools by R. E. Smith

Schools are safe zones UNESCO's mission "is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development, and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication, and information". The main point here is through Education but might I ask how can learning take place in an environment where educators are muzzled and restricted to the point where they are unable to defend their basic Human Rights? The rights have been taken away from teachers in recent years and now we are tasting the bitter medicine of a society that has little to no regard for educators. Teachers have no right to exercise discipline but yet still they are called to teach. How can a teacher be effective and efficient in this current education climate in which they are being bullied and abused physically and emotionally? The numerous cases of assault on teachers have reached a record high and no policy is yet drafted to protect teachers' interes...

Habitual Success

Success is a habit, it captivates the mind and manifest into actions. R. Smith 2019

Wise Tales

Knowledge and wisdom are key ingredients in immortalizing mundanes. R. Smith 2020

Opinions Matter

Listen to every opinion and take every advice but only utilize the ones that stay true to who you are. R. Smith 2020

Mind with a Plan: Societies Solution by R. E. Smith

Our minds are filled with untapped possibilities and intelligence that we are sometimes unaware of. Our minds are so unique that it is like a baby that goes through various stages of development and when our mind reaches the birthing stage it becomes the responsibility of each individual to train the mind beyond the scope of normal men. Our first formal education as a species begins from the moment of conception, that cell nucleus will eventually develop into the brains that we use to shape the world around us. It is the responsibility of the parents to shape, mold and nurture that child from within the mother's womb to create an environment of curiosity that stimulates the fetus to become a discovery learner. When we are eventually born it becomes the responsibility of families, friends, community members, and the wider society to create an atmosphere that is fitting for the development of a young child. During those tender years, our brains are actively seeking out adventu...
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