Life untapped a mirror to Success by R. E. Smith

Humans are like computer-based applications programmed for a specific reason or purpose and like these applications, humans are programmed with the innate drive to seek out and find the meaning of life. We often engage in conversation about life and what it really is and it comes to this single fact that life is a gift. Humans beings are granted this special gift, the gift of life and many do not appreciate it, life should be cherished and preserved. Ever so often we read and hear biologists and medical practitioners describe life as the characteristics that set us apart from inanimate objectives. These attributes include the ability to grow, think, reproduce, and ultimately die; the Circle of Life.

The biological composition of plants and animals are unique though they are separate state of beings. One has the ability to think while the other relies on external stimuli. Humans have long been considered to be the most advanced organism on the planet due to our varying cognitive abilities that we use to shape the world around us. As we are entrusted to be stewards, guardians, trustees, and vice-regent over creation. When we examine the technological advancement in countries such as Dubai, Singapore, Russia, and China we marvel over the success of the human race since we crawled into civilization. But ...what is life? And are we truly living or just existing?

Many have worked long and hard to build themselves, to make themselves stable and sufficient for the sole purpose of providing for their family and making a name for themselves. I can recall the story of a boy named Johny. A story that many can relate to and may even know. Johny grew up in a small village that was almost unfazed by the technologies of the Industrial era. While growing up Johny had to fetch water, tend to his fathers' herd on the family ranch and walk for miles to attend the closest elementary school. Johny was brilliant and very driven and focus on accomplishing success, something he learned from his father. Johny did well throughout his school life and by the time he graduated from High School, he was given multiple scholarships one of which was for a prominent University. His dream was to become an accountant and work for the biggest firm. He was able to get his dream job and eventually started a business of his own. He was subsequently named one of the most successful accountants and entrepreneurs in the 21st century.

I recall the story as I thought about life and our purpose as human beings. Throughout the story, there was no mention of his immediate family or extended family. In fact, on closer examination, it was revealed that Johny was married to his career, his passion, his dream and never had an opportunity to experience what life truly is and never attained true success. The moral of the story is that life is simply worth living and despite the numerous needs of our modern world it is essential that we live life to the fullest. Our voyage through this life should be one of purpose and meaning. Which means there can be no life without family, friends, love, laughter, and faith. Likewise, there can be no success without an understanding of self and purpose.

A myriad of us are not living, in fact, we have become living dead, slaves, and zombies to popular culture, our accomplishments and need to make it in a material world. Many of us will cease to exist without even tapping into 50% of our true potential as mortals. Our life is worth more than just burning time and crunching numbers to line our pockets with riches that cannot go beyond the mortal vale. Our focus should be on achieving our true potential and how to use that gift to lead others to accomplish their true potential. This will inevitably expand your scope of influence as laid down by John Maxwell. Additionally, the Christian teachings in Proverbs 9:9 tell us "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning" isn't this the essence of true success?

There is a Hindu teaching based on the Stages of Life. It highlights the four stages of Ashrama in which the ultimate goal is to achieve Moksha. The final stage highlights the importance of stepping away from a materialistic world and to connect spiritually to the Giver of Life. Johny missed one important lesson. Life is more than getting our names published in Magazine or engraved on Walls. Life is about making the most of what you have so that you can achieve success and still have time to spend with family and friends because our legacy will live on in those who our lives have impacted and as they impact others our legacy will grow and transform the world.

What then are we expected to do? We are not expected to do much. We must first try not to take ourselves too seriously and second, we must strive to strike a balance between our work life and private life. So that we are not consumed by the engine of globalization and greed that drives this materialistic world. We must be careful not to drive ourselves to extinction as each of us will one day go extinct. We must strive to leave our footprints embedded in the hearts and minds of humanity. Others have carefully done it before and we can do it too. So as we sit still and look at our life untapped let it be the mirror that guides us into a future of true success. One that is strategically crafted and molded for future generations that is the apex of true success.

Hope you enjoyed reading please remember to share, follow and comment. 


  1. I am always compelled to stop and think, stop and introspect, stop and retrospect when I read your work. Thank you for always taking readers to another level. This is deep! keep doing what you do.

    1. You are a great writer. keep up the good work and may God continue to give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding to help others grow.

    2. Thank you very much comments like these is very encouraging, motivating and give me passion to continue writing. Greatly appreciated 🙏

  2. Thanks, @Leroy D. Fearon your feedback is greatly appreciated. Some excellent read on your blog as well

  3. I really enjoyed reading this. It has widened my perspective of life and has allowed me to see that life is also about building yourself spiritually and mentally and not just physically

    1. Indeed building the entire man important for overall growth success. Thanks for your feedback.

  4. Well written. While reading this article, it not only make me aware but it also give me the various concepts of life, this is very inspirational.

    1. I am happy that I was able to inspire you and continue to read for more inspiration.

  5. I know n have heard about being spiritually,physically,mentally grown in life is a lot but after reading this writing I have grown every way that is possible .......keep up the good work sir continue to spread the word of god....

    1. Grateful for your feedback and I am happy it was to inspire growth in your life.

  6. While You continue to evolve around excellence I want to use this initiative to acknowledge your work. Continue to impact not only
    young minds but the world through your writing. God bless

    1. Thank you very much because in times like these we need literature that will influence and educate people from all walks areas of life.

  7. This was very inspiring and I learned a lot. I understood what life is really about, and that it should be held as precious and must be lived to the fullest.

    1. Precious it is and a gift that we all must cherish and growth to appreciate so as to strike that unique balance as we walk our literal spiritual journey .

  8. This is wonderful. The key as you aptly put it ' strike a balance........'. That is the key to not merely existing, but living. Nice job!

    1. Thank you very much for your valuable feedback...and remember life is simply worth living.

  9. Great words sir for what really is success without having to share these special moments with cherished persons in your life. I really enjoy this reflection.

  10. This was very inspirational sir, it gave insight on the things not many take the time out to recognize. The balance between the spiritual and physical self is a key factor in living a full and meaningful. As it states in Mark 8:36, for what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul. Phenomenal literary piece Sir. Continue the good work.


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