The Newness of Life by R. E. Smith
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Be Transformed |
Our world has been turned inside out and as we prepare to move forward we must do so in the Newness of Life. I have already defined the meaning of life in previous blog posts such as The Wisdom of life. Life is a special gift and for each waking moment, we must give thanks for this gift. In this lesson, we will examine the importance of preparing for a new life, a life that is grounded on religious principles that will guide our journey across this plain.
What is Newness?
The term newness in itself is an enigma and many even question if it is a real word. Newness in its simplest form means original quality or standard. Therefore to walk in the newness of life we must be restored to or original form, a form without sin, a form in which we strive to live a life that is pleasing unto God. This will only be possible if we confess our sins and ask God to forgive us of all past transgressions.
Why is newness important?
Religious Perspective
Jews: The jews highlight their beliefs in the newness of life by keeping the covenant principles that are outlined for them to follow. Their main duty is to follow the Laws of the covenant given to their forefathers and to ensure that it brings them closer to living a life that is Holy and pleasing in the sight of God. This is evident in their belief that God is all-powerful and that he is always with us guiding every step.
Hindus: The core of their belief is centered around a life that will bring about spiritual fulfillment and an escape from the cycle of life death and rebirth. Hence to walk in the newness of life one must follow the principles relating to Dharma. Dharma is doing the things that are righteous and please to God. Therefore stay away from all things that are considered to be too carnal and will lead to sin and live according to the principles will ultimately allow you to achieve Moksha.
Muslims: The term Islam means submission to the will of Allah. Therefore to walk in the newness of life is the central focus and all aspects of daily life must be geared towards following the principal and teachings relating to Allah's law. The most basic of these principles are outlined in The Five Pillars of Islam which includes :
1. Shahada ( Muslim Declaration of Faith)
2. Salat ( Prayer)
3. Zakat ( Alms )
4. Swam ( Fasting)
5. Hajj ( Pilgrimage to Mecca)
The pillars are clear if you follow God's law you will be rewarded and if you don't your punishment will be everlasting torment.
Christians: The Christian teachings about the newness of life are so many. The Bible is a manual which means:
B- Basic
I- Instructions
B- Before
E- Earth
According to Romans 6:14 " Sin will no longer have dominion over you, since you are not under the law but grace". Jesus Christ came to earth to die for humanity thus to walk in the newness of life we must be born again. At the core of every human is to worship and serve God. Our basic actions such as utilizing our talents and skills for the benefit of others is one of the many ways to serve God. This means that every man must examine themself to know where he/she stands and find The Hat that fits his purpose as designed by Him.
Never believe that your present circumstances and situation cannot be changed. Put away the old man, take on the armor of God, and walk in the Newness of Life. Spiritual growth and development can only take place if we decided to make a deliberate effort to change who we are and work towards improving our state of being. For the word of God states in 1 Peter 2:9 " We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a peculiar people...". Take the step today, walk-in The Newness of Life, Walk in the Light, and continue to improve who you are spiritual.
God Bless
R. E. Smith
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