Reshaping your Personal Image to attain Success by R. E. Smith

Personal Image is key
Personal Image is Key

Did you know that you can dress your way to success?

This question is very profound and it goes way beyond simply putting on your " Sunday Best". It translates to the highest level of professionalism. Our personal image is key in becoming successful and it is something that every aspiring professional should take into serious consideration. The previous article outlined the tips needed to transform your mind to Attain Success. In this lesson, we will exam the importance of crafting and developing your personal image while striving for success.

What is Personal Image?

The personal image in this lesson refers to your overall presentation as an individual which includes general deportment and mannerism. There is a very popular saying that "first impressions last" and indeed they do, people often form their impression of you based on your deportment and speech. However personal image is more complex and takes into account other aspects of one's persona.
Dress for success
Classic Style

Aspects of Personal Image 

There are several aspects of our personal image that will be outlined below in three categories Physical, Social, and Unseen.

Physical- Physical refers to our deportment and physical attire. As a person aspiring for success you must not only think the part but you must look and be the part. This means you must dress and look professional at all times. You must be immaculately groomed and well put together. This may mean different things for different people because how you attire yourself is dependent on your field or the field you are aspiring to be apart of. For someone in education or someone aspiring to become a lawyer. A nice suit, long sleeve shirt, tie, matching belt and shoe, a simple watch, and a neat hair cut makes a great difference. Therefore spend some time researching how to get yourself properly attired for various occasions. We must also remember that personal hygiene is key to maintaining our personal image. 

Social- Social refers to how we interact with others in and outside of our circle. Our social image is paramount to becoming successful. This leads me to personal hygiene, you must not only look the part but you must also feel and smell the part. So taking good care of your hygiene is important. Therefore your body odor must be kept in check so that your fragrance is mild a pleasant. Every so often we meet professionals and their fragrance is so high that you are unable to complete a conversation or even think straight. This will take away from your overall presentation and it is a big minus for persons who want to take you seriously.

Also, our social skills refer to our political and networking competencies. You must be polite, respectful, confident, and firm in your views. A successful person is not a timid person they are aware and sure of what they want and how to accomplish their goals. You cannot be a people pleaser and a "Yes Person" if you want to become truly successful. Likewise, you cannot be a rebel because you can be viewed as mischievous and indiscipline. Henceforth you must be able to make corrections and criticism without becoming discouraged or disrespectful. Thus a careful balance is needed to become truly successful which means you are expected to master the art of diplomacy.

Develop yourself
Be the Best

Unseen- These are the qualities that you want no one to observe or see. These hidden personalities traits tend to manifest when we are comfortable or even when we are unaware. Therefore a big part of our personal image has to do with the qualities and characteristics that we try very hard to lock away and hide. This is very dangerous as it can lead to emotional anxiety and stress. If you have traits that you are uncomfortable with now is the time for you to work on overcoming or own those traits two examples are sweaty palms when nervous and nail-biting. There are many others but the point is to acknowledge them and work towards keeping them under control. Also, we must try and manage our micro-expressions so as to not send the wrong signals. Another aspect of the unseen that tend to come out when we are under pressure is our tone and body language it is important that we be aware of these shortcomings. There are ways to voice our concerns without becoming disrespectful. Let us learn how to develop the skill of RESPECTING THE CHAIR.

True Professional 


A true professional is one that is in control of almost all aspects of self and seeks to identify and deal with the shortcomings in their lives as a means of continuous improvement. Therefore as we change to achieve success let us remember that we must think big as the world is full of endless possibilities. As we traverse our path to success we must remember to dress the part, look the part and be the part. A successful person is a true professional in all areas of their life. 

NB: There are no short cuts to success. It requires hard work, perseverance, and transformation. 

By R. E. Smith


  1. Great work! This is especially ideal for both young adults and adults desirous of attaining success.

  2. Job well done! We need all three motivative words to be successful,👍

  3. Special punch of life in these times to serve as reminder that we need to plan our success.

  4. Presentation is a key factor in preparing oneself for success. Knowing what we're about and claiming it's all up to us.

  5. A good one Mr Smith. It makes me smile because whatever you said its indeed a reality. I love the information you give about Aspects of Personal Image especially for social

  6. Indeed, no short cuts to success! Always an excellent piece.

  7. Very informative and realistic piece as usual Sir. I agree "there are ways to voice our concerns without becoming disrespectful." So True, thanks for sharing.


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