Changing to attain Success by R. E. Smith

Discover your potential
Success requires Action

We all crave success at some point in our life but how much of us are willing to give up old habits to attain success. Success takes deliberate actions, conscious, strategic, and methodical. From the moment we partake in the formal feast of success then we will continue to crave more and await the banquet once again. In, this lesson we are going to focus on the areas of our life that need to improve for us to become a success story.

What is the change?

Change in this context refers to the process by with an individual reinvent or transform themselves to become better from the novice stage to an expert. The tools for transformation comes in two forms and they are the renewing of one's mindset or thinking and developing persistency. If these tools are used correctly then we will be surprised as to the level of success we can attain.

Changing your way of Thinking

We all have that one friend, that one family member with dreams of becoming successful but it never truly manifests into reality. We all have that one community member that everyone speaks of because of his/her ambitions but they never truly get him/her to accomplish the success desired. This is because success takes action and for various reasons out actions may not align with the success hoped for. To attain success we must demonstrate the skills that successful people employe and model these behaviors each day.

Renewal of the Mind

The first thing that we must do to become successful is to change our mindset, we must become critical thinkers, dreamers, and detectives seeking to find the keys to success, the antidotes of solutions. To become successful our way of thinking must change we must remember that success is habitual and when it takes root in our mind it will manifest. Therefore to become successful it starts with the renewal of one's mind. We must think about our aspirations, write down your goals and aspirations. This is how you will be able to change your way of thinking and see the bigger picture.

Tips for Thinking Big

Every person has the ability to change their current situation or circumstances. All they need is a little nudge in the right direction. These tips will help you to think big and change your mindset:

1. Planning- You must select the pathway or pathways you want to purses and it must be realistic and achievable. This is where the idea of Goal Setting comes into play. After you have identified what you want to accomplish, you must sit and carefully design your next move. You must have your short, intermediate, and long term plan of action. Planning is excellent but you must also follow it carefully and it will take you one step closer to your goals. Forget about timelines and work at your own pace to achieve each merit.

2. Research- You will need to set aside time for serious research. Remember your plan is in three-phase short, intermediate, and long term. Therefore careful research must be done to collect all the information need for each phase of your plan which will be used to guide your action. It is better to have too much information than too little information. This way you will be able to use the laws of elimination to decide what will work for you. For some, our aspirations will need a plan of its plan and that is why the collection of all relevant information is pertinent to move on to the next step. Keep in mind that your plan does not need to be an epistle of ideas. The best plans are normally simple and to the point with room for adjustments.

3. Sorting - You must set aside time to analyze the information you have collected to make it applicable to your goals. This is important because some of the information may not be relevant now and others may have applied already without you realizing. When you take the information and look at it from all perspectives it will give you a more vivid picture as to where you are now as opposed to where you want to go next.

Think of your plan as a staircase you will climb each stair careful and at your own pace. For example, a person who wants to go into the field of Medicine but is unable to afford the tuition for Medical School. However, they are able to afford the fees for Teachers College to study the sciences. This is actually a very common occurrence in society. Some persons give up but others see the opportunity before them as a stepping stone. So they attend Teachers College to become employable and then work towards Medical School. There are other circumstances that are much similar, you may want to start your own business but you lack the funding. Getting the information about business loans and investments will be important in getting your business started. You may be unemployed and looking for a job; analyzing the information about job vacancies in your field and related fields is a great step. Remember in everything we do the application of self is necessary for success.

4. Applying- Application in anything that we do is essential there is nothing we can achieve without applying ourselves. All the information collected and gathered must be made manifest into actions. When the Theory is complete it is time for the Action. It is sometimes unbelievable to know that if the theory is done properly then the practice becomes less burdensome. To apply yourself to your plan will take effort and along the way, we may become overwhelmed and frustrated. That's fine it's human nature to worry but we also need to TRUST THE PROCESS. The key is not to give up, continue the process, and look at each barrier from various perspectives then you collect the information, analysis the situation, and apply new measures to overcome the obstacle.

NB: Your path to success is an obstacle course each one will prove more challenging than the other and that is when you know you are nearing your success.

Thank you for reading.


  1. Great inspirational message, I will be definitely following these steps. Keep up the good work, all your motivational messages will definitely help others to push themselves to achieve their fullest potential

  2. Thank you for this one. I always strive for success. While it seems easy for some to do, others needs some form of motivation and push. It is very important that persons plan and work hard towards achieving and becoming successful.

  3. Thanks for this encouraging and sagacious post Sir Smith. Keep on writing! Blessings.

    1. Thank you very much. Continue to read and be inspired.

  4. Impressed with your contributions sir Smith.
    Keep adding quality and relevane to the the educational landscape

    1. Thank you, I will definitely continue to do my best.

  5. It's a blessing to be reminded that success doesn't come overnight, the process takes time! So we must be patient with ourselvesa focus on our dreams.

    1. Yes, you need to focus on your dreams. Plan and trust the process.

  6. Keep on writing bro you are inspiring many people you don't even know.

  7. Thank you for these encouraging words for gaining success.


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