True Justice for Society by R E Smith

True Justice for Society by R E Smith
True Justice will prevail. 

Society is riddled with immoralities and lawlessness and this has become increasingly common almost as if it is the norm for society to behave like they are in a cinematic universe of GOOD versus EVIL or the Law versus Society. The lines of morality, truth, and integrity have become blurred that people no longer realize what is right or wrong in society. The moment a crime is committed and the Justice System acts speedily and without hesitation, we hear the cry echoing through our communities WE WANT JUSTICE but what is justice without integrity? And how can justice be carried out in a society when people have lost their way? When did it become the norm to challenge the law even when it is working for our own good?

What is Justice? 

Justice is referred to as lawful or righteous actions. It also indicates what is morally correct or the right thing to do. Most scholars and religious practitioners emphasize the need for justice and fair treatment for all men. However, there is so much injustice in society that sometimes we tend to overlook the little immoralities and that eats away at our humanity. The term Justice can be described as honest, fair, empathic, just, righteous, kind, patience, dignify, sound integrity, and moral.

Types of Justice

By examining the facets of Justice you will realize that there are many forms such as Social Justice, Poetic Justice, Occupational Justice, Organisational Justice, and Injustice to name a few. For the purposes of this lesson, we will outline four classifications of Justice. 

1. Natural Justice- This is based on the principles that we were all created equally by the supreme being (GOD) and because of this, we share some natural gifts that are common to all men. The Justice here highlights our role as stewards of creation and in turn, we benefit from the natural gifts of life. It is often said that it is better to be of service than to be served. This is because doing what is right should come naturally and after completing our duties it should bring us inner peace because caring for creation is like therapy. 

2. Institutionalized Justice- This concept is twofold because first, it emphasized the fact that each major social institution such as government, religion, education, and financial institutions is governed by a CODE of ETHICS/INTEGRITY which holds them accountable. The scope of this code is often outlined in the institution's vision or mission statement. The second is the System of Governance this is the backbone of society and the centralized Justice System that interprets and enforces the law for all citizens to benefit. This takes into consideration The System of Courts and the Security Forces. 

3. Social Justice - This is actually a very common form of Justice in today's society as many people are advocating for Social Justice and equality for all but the more liberal we become the more we are enslaved by the ideas of privilege. We often forget that true JUSTICE and LIBERATION endures longsuffering. The Christian Bible teaches us that " the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith" Galatians 5:22. Therefore in advocating for our personal Social Justice we must remember not to create injustices for others. Let us suffer long for the truth but fight the good fight of faith and treat others with compassion because vigilante justice has no place in society. 

4. Poetic Justice- This form of justice is not new but rather historical, ancient you may say because it emanates from the Mosaic principles which state "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot" Exodus 21:24. This form of justice enforces the idea of retribution and that the result of one action should be met with equal action or one that is fitting and equal in measure and as a people, we need to evolve from this way of thinking. This form of Justice though ancient is resurfacing in society and many believe it is New Aged Thinking but it is not, in fact, the Hindus refer to this teaching as THE LAW OF KARMA the spiritual principles of cause and effect which occurs naturally and does not insinuate vengeance. The idea of Civilian Justice stems from this notion and we must be mindful not to create inconsistencies for others. For example, malicious destruction of property in the hope of attaining Justice because that is an injustice for others.


We must understand that our society is built on the principles of love and equality. The law is there for a reason as it protects the fundamental rights of men that we are all created equal and in the likeness of our creator. Therefore we are gifted certain rights which include right to life, right to freedom of expression, right to movement, and the right to own property. These are the basic rights that the Justice System seeks to uphold but yet still they are being prevented from carrying out the duties embedded in the charter of rights. Do not believe that I am naive to think that the Justice System is perfect because it is not but more times than ever Justice is served. We would also be wise to remember that True Justice occurs naturally as it strikes a divine balance and is righteous. So let us not be impaired by the justification of rule breakers and evildoers.

If we allow the New Age Thinking of retribution to become the norm then we are regressing to a primitive lifestyle and even then the social injustices in society were not as common because individuals lived according to there kins/tribes and they had strict rules that govern the actions of members. When I examine the moral decade in society it is like a parasite eating away at our humanity which can only be classified as evil and in fact, it is. Society has allowed SIN to take root and sew its bitter seeds of anger, envy, disrespect, and hatred. This cancer will continue to spread and slowly eat us away unless we cultivate the good seeds of Charity. 1st Corinthians 13 states" If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not to love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal". Therefore all forms of justice should follow the principles of righteousness.

The solution

The Justice System in society has its flaws but it also stands as the beckon of truth and hope for all men. Many sociologists will agree that a society without basic institutions such as these will be doomed to failure but they will also agree that the Justice System that now exists needs to change and evolve as the human race is evolving. The change is upon us and it is our responsibility to ensure that we preserve our integrity as we move forward. The solution is simple all men must be treated fairly and equally regardless of color, race, or creed. The change only takes effect if we teach the concept of CHARITY for all to know especially to our children in schools.

We have a duty and an obligation not to allow the value systems to be unwillingly circumcised and thrown away. We must ensure that careful preservation of moral, values, and principles are kept for all to see. Let us bury this New Age Thinking of Justice and establish principles that are not only moral and justice but also righteous. It has become the norm for people to accept and protect the infidelities of the human race but let us not forget what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Truth and Justice will always prevail but let us not allow inequities to take root society therefore we must seek to put aside our unruly members. Colossians 3:5 therefore put to death the members which are upon the earth: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry". Let us rebuild the fabric of society by spinning the thread of Love, Hope, and Charity.

By R. E. Smith
True Justice is Righteousness 

Thank you for reading I hope you were inspired. 


  1. Relevant as people all around the world are now voicing for justice. Be blessed.

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting people need to know the truth about Justice.

  2. Replies
    1. I am grateful you enjoyed this article continue to visit for more information.

  3. Very informative and insightful.

  4. Very thought-provoking never thought of Justice from that perspective.

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting on righteousness and justice are the keys to change society.

  5. You are right, the lines of justice, morality, integrity, and truth have blurred over the years and it continues to get misconstrued with each generation. Good work people need to go back to the Bible.

    1. Indeed it has the New aged thinking has taken root and it is our responsibility to ensure that the true meaning of Justice is thought for all to know. Thank you for reading and commenting.

  6. Interesting read Mr.Smith. The resounding justice for all.

  7. Well done, very informative n educational.

  8. It was very insightful as it thought me a lot about justice in today's society.

  9. True justice for all is really needed in our society today. Enjoy reading.

  10. Society is living in myths.
    Follow and comment on my blog we can build a society together...

    1. Indeed we are at times. I will definitely check out your blog.

  11. Profound words Sir! Real and current. You touched on so many points on this topic that are evident and true. How can we have a society where our moral standards are being erased? Thank you for sharing.


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