Developing Success Habits by R. E. Smith

Success Habits

Many people work all their lives with the hope of becoming successful but only a few achieve success. This is because they have no clear vision of what they want their success to be thus making it increasingly difficult to reach the pinnacle of success. To become successful we must develop the ability to stick to our goals and aspirations and remember that stability is the hallmark of success. Oftentimes our failures are due to our own inconsistencies as we are not disciplined enough to stick to our own desires. For the purposes of this lesson, we are going to focus on how we can develop our success habits.

What is Develop? 

The term develops in this context refers to carefully nurturing and cultivating the characteristics needed to grow the right tools to become successful. This definition highlights the fact that our unique characteristics and personalities have much to do with our growth and development as successful human beings.

The Basis

Like anything else in life that individuals aspire for, some amount of training and development is needed before they reach a level of mastery. If you want to become an athlete, nurse, teacher, writer, or coach some amount of training and development is needed to build your credibility and enhance your level of expertise. Let me be perfectly clear, your level of mastery is personal and no one can predefine your apex of success. Therefore it is important that we develop our success habits to be recognized as a credible and successful human being because only when you are comfortable, confident, and skilled in your area will others consider you to be a true professional.

Characteristics of Success

The acronym for S.U.C.C.E.S.S means: 

U- Utilize
C- Create
C- Communicate

The acronym dictates the need for careful guidance and planning to attain the success desired. This means that a person striving for success must demonstrate characteristics such as integrity, honesty, determination, accountability, good punctuality, knowledgable, excellent deportment, and a high level of professionalism. If we should examine the plethora of successful people in the world we will realize that they all possess these habits. In fact, you should do some research on successful individuals in your area because it may just surprise you that they experienced the same challenges that you are experiencing.

How do we develop success habits?

The level of success we attain is based on our ability to mold and develop each attribute to the fullest by becoming a Dream Chaser and if any of the steps are altered or underdeveloped then you will not experience the true measure of success. The tools to develop your success habits are REPETITION and PRACTICE. We must assess, evaluate, and apply the correct information that we learn while carefully crafting your path to success. So what is repetition and practice?

• Repetition refers to the act of doing or saying something again and again. Therefore repeating an action while improving on the flaws to make it perfect. 

• Practice refers to the process by which we apply a theory or idea by rehearsing and improving skills and competences.

Know what works

You need to know what works for you and do it over and over again until you reach perfection (REPETITION). The idea is that you will become observers and creators of your own destiny because you are in full control. You will observe the strategies that work for you and you will put them into action (PRACTICE). When you reach a point that seems difficult to overcome you will utilize the key skills outlined in the SUCCESS acronym. You will collect all relevant information, you will create alternatives, you will evaluate the alternatives and put them to the test. To develop our success we must be committed to continuous improvement a Japanese principal know as KAIZEN. You will then repeat this process until you overcome each barrier by making small adjustments and changes to achieve your goals.

The Outcome

To develop our success habits we must not be shy about our shortcomings, we must not be timid to take on new challenges but instead, we must grab "the bull by its horns and wrestle it to the ground" or in this case continue until you overcome the obstacle. No one that is successful has ever attained success without sacrifice and we each must sacrifice for our own success. Our level of success evolve based on our ability to continue to toil even when the odds stock against us. One thing I have learned over the years is that we can do anything we put on minds to once we believe, have faith, and work towards it.

The only thing that can limit or prevent us from developing these habits is our mindset. Therefore we must unlock our minds to the possibilities that exist to find infinite wisdom. We must bury the idea that success has a destination because the journey to success continues with each step. While developing our success habits there will be many deviances that will distract us and these distractions may manifest in many forms. When these deviances present themselves we must rise above assess, evaluate, apply, and put into PRACTICE what you have learned. Continue to repeat these simple steps until you master the art of success.

Many may not know and some may not realize that success is a verb and it requires action. Developing your success is dependent on you and only you will know when your success has reached its full potential by measuring your accomplishments daily. Remember the keys to developing success is REPETITION and PRACTICE we must assess, evaluate, and apply all that we have learned. Attaining success without actions is impossible just as faith without works is dead.

By R. E. Smith
Become the best you

 Thank you for reading I hope were motivated inspired. 


  1. Well said! Nothing beats a trial but a failure. Try, try until you succeed.

    1. Yes, Rookie REPETITION is key never give up. Thanks for your comments and feedback.

  2. Wow, the main take away from this is that success requires work. I could not agree more when you said "The tools to develop your success habits are REPETITION and PRACTICE." I will continue to do this as success is my aim. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Sir Fearon, we must always assess, evaluate, and put into action our finding. Thank you for your feedback and comments.

    2. A positive mindset will take one through the darkest storm🙏 Thanks for sharing.

    3. Yes, it will so we must always endeavor to be positive despite the challenges we face.

  3. Well done. It is true that in order to become successful a person must be clear on what he or she wants to achieve.

  4. This is very well written, I remember when taught the term faith without work is dead, you have open minded to the fact that I can and will achieve success in the future even though I kept doubting myself. Thank you sir.


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