True Justice for Society by R E Smith

True Justice will prevail. Society is riddled with immoralities and lawlessness and this has become increasingly common almost as if it is the norm for society to behave like they are in a cinematic universe of GOOD versus EVIL or the Law versus Society. The lines of morality, truth, and integrity have become blurred that people no longer realize what is right or wrong in society. The moment a crime is committed and the Justice System acts speedily and without hesitation, we hear the cry echoing through our communities WE WANT JUSTICE but what is justice without integrity? And how can justice be carried out in a society when people have lost their way? When did it become the norm to challenge the law even when it is working for our own good? What is Justice? Justice is referred to as lawful or righteous actions. It also indicates what is morally correct or the right thing to do. Most scholars and religious practitioners emphasize the need for justice and fair treatment for...