Four Steps to Overcome Failures: Give yourself a Chance at Success

Give yourself a chance

Have you ever wanted something so intensely that you put all your time and effort into achieving it but failed?

Have you ever wanted that dream job only to be told that you do not fit the business model?

We all have those moments in life when failure sets in and trample our dreams. However, do not lose hope but rather give yourself another chance at success find it within yourself to be determined and stick to your goals because failure is not a disappointment but rather a tool to achieve your success and a stepping stone to greatness. Join me on this journey and let us examine four proven steps to overcome failures at different stages of our lives.

Stages of Life

Life is a combination of stages that we must traverse to grow, develop, and ultimately become one mind, body, and soul. Our success as individuals hinges on our ability to carefully navigate each stage and overcome the challenges that exist. It is, therefore, our responsibility to ensure that we are able to pilot the various stages of life and emerge successfully.

Nonetheless, failure often comes before success and it is necessary that we give ourselves another chance at achieving our goals. Therefore we must never give up, never lose hope, and never take our eyes off the prize. Life is often referred to as the essence of our being that innermost part that makes up our state of consciousness The Wisdom of Life and because of this state of consciousness, we have the ability to improve and to reinvent ourselves and take multiple chances to attain our desired results. The most successful people in the world fail more often than they achieve success hence failures are mere obstacles on the path to our success.

What is meant by stage of Development?

The term stage of development refers to the process by which an individual grow and mature over time. It is common knowledge amongst Biologists and Psychologists that humans go through four basic stages of development through which they are often divided into substages. The four basic stage includes infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. So too do humans go through various stages of failure. These failures are often manifest as :
• Self-doubt
• Denial
• Restlessness
• Loss of confidence and the desire to quit.

What is Failure? 

Failure is referred to as the inability to accomplish a task or goal and it often depicts negligence in carrying out the necessary steps to achieve the outcome. Regardless of this fact, the act of failing is actually the main tool in achieving our success because each time we fail, though it may be discouraging it takes us one step closer to achieving our goals. This is because we will now know the steps not to take to achieve the success we desire. To accomplish this one must endeavor to take multiple chances. Each chance we take will make us an overcomer of failure. In fact, failure is one of the prime ingredients for success because without failure there can be no success.

What is the chance? 

People frequently define chance as luck or coincidences but for our understanding let us define chance from another perspective. Chance is the process of deliberately carrying out a process despite its propensity for failure knowing that said action can attain the desired result (sticktoitiveness). This is basically implying that nine times out of ten we will fail but the end result of success is worth the risk of failure. This is actually a strategy that is used by investors and stock traders to gain immense benefits. The higher the risk, the greater the reward therefore it is our responsibility to be go-getters and seek after our goals.

Steps to overcome Failures

By now we will realize that failure is a natural part of life and for someone who is on the path to success or seeking after success then it is important that we brace ourselves for potential failures in life. Life tends to be quite the sportsman/sportswoman at times and it may toss a couple of curveballs in our direction and we must be prepared to catch it or hit it over the ballpark. The lesson to learn is that life will not stop throwing these punches therefore our drive to achieve success will result in us taking the necessary steps to overcome the pitfalls of life. Let us now examine four proven ways to overcome failures.

1. Accept

Failure and success are two sides of the same coin one cannot be possible without the other. Many times people spend their entire lives battling against failure and this will cause stress, anxiety, and depression. Failure is similar to change in that it is constant because nothing that we do is perfect therefore some amount of failure exists. The degree of failure however depends on the individual's ability to rise above and overcome the challenges. This can only be done through acceptance. We must accept that failure is a natural part of life and it is important that we learn how to deal with its challenges and rise above its barriers.

2. Learn

We all learn at different measures and through various learning styles and techniques. One of the most common ways that we learn is through observation. Therefore it is only logical that we employ some of the scientific approaches to tackling our failures because that is how we will learn from them. It is also our responsibility to document and asks questions such as why was I not successful at accomplishing such a task? This because questioning is a very useful tool in understanding challenges and finding solutions. Actually, without the art of questioning then our world as we know, it wouldn't exist. Therefore we need to question life's failures so that we are able to learn from them, overcome and become problem solvers.

3. Transform

Learning from and questioning life's problems are key tools in the evolutionary process of our modern world. For us to adapt and overcome our failures there must be a revolution of the mind and a renewed way of thinking. Thus, we must take everything that we learn and put them practice and it will result in us becoming individuals of worth, value, and success. Our ability to adapt to life challenges is a key factor in stimulating the transformation process. Therefore this step cannot be omitted and we must learn from the challenges and altering our approach to withstand the challenges of life by being transformed by the renewal of our minds by viewing failures as an asset rather than liabilities.

4. Become

It takes hard work and dedication to achieve success therefore one must become a success-driven machine by developing confidence in self and become gritty. Our passion and drive will always be two of our most valuable assets because when the going gets tough remind yourself that you are an overcomer, a champion, and the author of success. Therefore our responsibility is to become that which we desire by modeling the behaviors of successful men or women. Do not just take failure for what it is but instead use it as a tool to accomplish success.

The Scope 

Our failures in life vastly outnumber our successes therefore it is our responsibility to realize that each failure is a life lesson and for each lesson taught something is learned. Therefore let us not be imprisoned by our failures and throw in the towels but let us reinvent ourselves, become strong, become confident, and be a champion for success. Remember Failure + Perseverance = Success and you can quote me on this. Never give up on your goals, never give up on your dreams but instead give yourself a chance to overcome and become to achieve your dreams. Remember failures in life are constant and it is this constant that makes us human nevertheless it does not mean that we should stay in our failures. We must rise like the Phoenix and pursue our passion, rigorously, and intentionally.

By R. E. Smith

Give yourself and chance at success and never quit. 

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  1. Epic motivational writing! Steps to live by. Wonderful Mr. Smith.

  2. Everytime I sit an read your blog it gives reassurance to possibilities that often people find hard to understand keep setting the bar high Mr. Smith your work is well articulated.

    1. Thank you very much, comment like this is motivation for me to continue writing.

  3. Very good read. Failure is one of the stepping stones to success. Thanks for the reminder Sir Smith.

    1. You are welcome, Dr. D. King. I am grateful for your insight and feedback.

  4. Thanks for reminding me that giving up! Is not a possibility.

  5. Excellent article as always! Very practical and easy to follow. Continue to inspire!

    1. Thank you Sir Fearon your insights are always valuable.

  6. Excellent article all young people should read.

  7. Thank you for sharing. and yes, one should never give up on achieving success!

    1. Definitely, we can never up success. Thank very much

  8. Excellent article. May God continue to give you the insight to encourage and motivate others. Blessings.

    1. Thank you for your comment and feedback it is extremely valuable.

  9. In life we all fail sometimes but it is important to be determined and keep on trying until you are successful. Excellent job sir.

    1. Thank you Chrisantae for your comment and feedback it is extremely valuable.


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